
Our Team


   In-house Spiritual Directors



Fr. Stephen Tong SJ

Fr Stephen Tong SJ has been Director of Xavier Retreat House since 2004. He was born and brought up in Macau. After joining the Society of Jesus in 1990 and finishing his novitiate formation in Singapore, he studied philosophy in Manila and theology in Hong Kong. He was ordained priest in the year 2000. He continued and completed his STL on dogma and Ignatian spirituality in Boston in 2001. Fr Tong became Director of Xavier Retreat House in 2004. Besides management of the retreat house, he also provides spiritual direction, as well as formation and supervision of spiritual directors. He has also been the local superior of the Jesuits in Hong Kong for almost 10 years. Since 1st November 2021, Fr. Tong assumes his new mission as the Father Provincial of the Chinese Province of Society of Jesus.



Fr. Clement Tsui SJ

Fr. Tsui was born and brought up in Hong Kong. He joined the Society of Jesus in 2005. He studied theology at the Holy Spirit Seminary College in Hong Kong, then completed the Master of Theology (Th.M.) degree at the Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University in USA. He was sent to serve as the school chaplain after ordained priest in 2015. His major ministries were education and pastoral works. Furthermore, he was appointed school supervisor of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong and Wah Yan College, Kowloon in 2021. In 2024, he was sent to the Xavier House, serving retreatants through spiritual direction and pastoral works.




Ms. Sally Law

Sally is Formation Officer of Xavier House, responsible for coordination of retreat, programs, and spiritual direction. Sally has received Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Master of Transpersonal Psychology (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, USA), Certificate in Spiritual Direction in Ignatian Tradition (The Arrupe® Program, Australia), and Master of Spiritual Direction (Jesuit College of Spirituality, University of Divinity, Australia). She has also completed the Family Reconstruction Facilitator Course, Focusing Course (Level 4) and MBTI® Administrator Certification. Her working experience includes counseling, facilitating formation programs, and giving retreats.

   Guest Spiritual Directors



Ms. Lam Mo Han

Mohan had been a teacher in a Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan school; and coordinated the liturgy, formation and evangelization activities for the students and the staff in school. She was also devoted to the formation of the Pastoral Workers in the workplace. After she had left the teaching profession, she started to commit more fully in her own formation on Spirituality and Spiritual Direction. Mohan is awarded the Master of Arts in Religious Studies (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Certificate in Spiritual Direction in Ignatian Tradition (The Arrupe® Program, Australia) and the Master of Arts in Spiritual Direction (University of Divinity, Australia). She began to serve in Xavier House in 2010.



Ms. Elia Chan

Elia was educated in Hong Kong. She studied translation and had worked in the Hong Kong government as a translator for many years. After graduating from a Master’s degree in Christian Studies, she began to take up the translation of Christian books. She joined the team of spiritual directors in Xavier House in the year 2013. She has respectively completed the Certificate Program of Spiritual Direction in Ignatian Tradition (The Arrupe® Program, Australia) and also the Master Program in Spiritual Direction (Jesuit College of Spirituality, University of Divinity, Australia).




Mr. Hessler Lee

Hessler is holder of Diploma of Higher Education in Theology and Religion; Certificate of Spiritual Direction in the Ignatian Tradition (The Arrupe® Program, Australia); and Master of Spiritual Direction (Jesuit College of Spirituality, University of Divinity, Australia).



Ms. Pauline Cheung

Pauline was born in Hong Kong. She has received Bachelor of Social Work and devoted as a hospital social worker for more than twenty years. She was awarded Bachelor of Religious Sciences at Holy Spirit Seminary College aggregated to Pontificial Urbanian University, Rome and Master of Arts in Religious Studies in Chinese University of Hong Kong respectively. She received formation on Ignatian Spirituality at the Cova Saint Ignasi Manresa and has also completed a formation program on Spiritual Direction and Supervision in Australia and Wales respectively.



Ms. Lucy Chung

Lucy had worked in hospice care of the dying and the bereaved for many years and holds a Master degree in Social Sciences (Psychosocial Palliative Care), University of Southampton, UK. She has received training in Spiritual Direction, Clinical Pastoral Education, Counselling and Trauma Therapy. She holds a Certificate in Spiritual Direction in Ignatian Tradition (The Arrupe® Program, Australia) and a Master of Art degree in Spiritual direction (University of Divinity, Australia). She works as a counselor, provides training for staff of health care organizations and serves as a spiritual director in Xavier House since 2010.



Ms Dalice Fung

Dalice has received Bachelor of Life Sciences (Hons) (Queen’s University, Canada) and Master of Social Work (The University of Hong Kong). She has worked as a social worker and later a counsellor to provide individual and family counselling for more than 15 years. Dalice started her pilgrimage since 2011 and is interested to explore on different spirituality traditions. She likes mindful living and is most excited to find God in nature and daily lives. She received her spiritual direction formation in Ignatian tradition at Xavier House.

Other members of our spiritual directors' team will also help in leading formation programs and retreats.
Address: 27 Peak Road, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong   Phone: (852) 2981 0342  Fax: (852) 2981 0749  Email: